Frequently Asked Questions.
Welcome! We can’t wait to meet you.
Group class booking - max 8 clients
View the online class schedule. Select ‘Book’ on your chosen session and this will direct you to our booking software, Momence.
You will select a single or multi class package and enter the requested name and contact details.
If you have any movement restrictions or injuries please let us know before your class so that we can factor this into class planning.
Cancellation/reschedule is free of charge 8 hours before class.
Private session booking
Private sessions are 30 minute or 50 minute duration and you can contact the studio directly via email or phone to book. If you have a preferred time/day please have that ready.
Cancellation/reschedule is free of charge 24 hours before a private session.
Start with an Open Reformer class. These classes include progressive movements which can be enjoyed by a range of participants through layering. Progressions are offered to more experienced clients.
A condition of attending a group class is that you are physically fit and able to perform the Pilates exercises without risking serious injury. We may ask you to provide letter from your medical practitioner confirming this. A Private session may be recommended for assessment prior to joining Group Reformer.
Are you pregnant? Congratulations! See Pregnancy FAQ for specific information.
Are you pregnant? Congratulations! We welcome you to join any Pilates class in your first trimester and commence Private sessions or classes identified as pre-natal friendly from 13 weeks.
Why we specify which class times are suitable from 13 weeks? There are a variety of exercises to strengthen you throughout every stage of pregnancy – a pretty exciting variety really – and you won’t fully experience them in an open class with some standard prenatal modifications thrown in while the rest of the class does a front lying or advanced balance sequence!
We specify class times so that you get to practice the most effective strengthening movements in the time you’ve allotted to work out during pregnancy.
Cancellations should be made online through the booking system. The free cancellation timeframe is 8hrs for Group Classes and 24 hours for Private classes prior to the scheduled start time.
For less than 8 hours notice (or 24 hours for Private classes), online cancellation is still required, and will incur a fee / deducted class pass if you hold a pack of classes.
*IF YOU ARE FEELING UNWELL PLEASE CANCEL ALL UPCOMING CLASSES AND STAY HOME. Reschedule your Pilates when you are feeling better!
Full details should be read in Terms and Conditions.
Comfortable clothes that allow a full range of motion.
Socks – regular socks or with grip on the sole (grip socks are also available for sale at the Studio for $23)
Water Bottle.
All other items, including shoes, should be stored in the open space storage provided. Please note that all personal effects and valuables are brought into the Studio at your own risk, and we do not accept responsibility nor liability for their loss or damage.
Clothing that you can move and stretch in.
Correct alignment of your body is the key to effective Pilates so it assists your instructor to assess and assist you if you wear closely fitted, but flexible clothing. No shoes are worn during class, but Socks are required to be worn during ‘feet in straps’ exercises and bare feet are ok in all other movements. These can be regular socks though the styles with a “grip” pattern on the sole to help prevent slipping are preferred.
Grip socks are available for purchase in Studio for $23. We also have some freshly washed ‘loan’ pairs in a range of sizes though sometimes they’re being washed!
The choice between Class Packs or a recurring membership depends on the number of reformer Pilates classes you will join each week. The more you do, the better the value.
New to the Studio = Noosa residents Intro 3 Class Pass (one time purchase, valid for 14 days)
Just passing by = Single Drop In Reformer Class (valid for 30 days) and the 7 Day Pass (3 classes, valid for 7 days)
I love this place, join me up = MOVE monthly membership
10, 15 or 20 classes per month on a monthly direct debit, subject to minimum period.
Retail discounts and unlimited buddy passes are just a few of the benefits included in a MOVE membership
We also offer 5 and 10 class packs (valid for 3 months)
The first port of call is your medical practitioner as they will advise whether your injury affects your ability to participate in a Reformer Pilates session.
As a rule of thumb, if you can weight bear on feet, wrists and knees and have full range of movement (even if it’s small range) then group classes are ok!
A condition of attendance is the acceptance that you are physically fit and able to perform the Pilates exercises without risking serious injury. We may ask you to provide letter from your medical practitioner confirming this.
Privates at Bare Bones Movement focus on building strength through movement, with physically fit and able clients. If your medical practitioner has directed you to rehabilitative Pilates we are happy to recommend studios which specialise in this service and you can join us when you are ready to go further.
If you are in any doubt contact us for a confidential discussion so that we can advise a suitable session type.
Health fund rebates are not applicable to our Pilates services at this time
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Noosa Pilates Studio
1/2 Lanyana Way,
Noosa Heads QLD 4567